

In the current business climate do you wonder where your business is and where it is heading?

Do you wish you had more time to face your daily operational issues or just simply work to build your customers?

My name is Wayne Harrison and I’m a CPA. Let me take the day to day accounting, payroll and tax issues off your plate, doing what I do best and allowing you to do what you do best.  See my listing of services button and contact me for a free consultation to discuss how I can become your asset.

Strategically located to serve clients in Peachtree City, Fayetteville and Newnan, I will give you and your business the “personal touch” that will bring about your peace of mind. That peace of mind starts with the knowledge that I am a member of AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) and am well qualified to handle your accounting needs with clarity and efficiency.  However, rest assured, you will never be treated as a number.

I offer a wide range of Business Services including but not limited to Tax Return Preparation for Federal, State  & Local Income Taxes, Property Tax Returns, Sales & Use Taxes, Accounting & Billing System Setup, Financial Reporting & Analysis, Variance Analysis, Business Valuation Services (Merger & Acquisition), Budgeting & Forecasting, and Business Insurance Needs Analysis.

Because of a deep reservior of business experience, I can also help your business with my expertise in the Human Resource arena. Some of the areas that I can help you in are Employee Handbook Preparation, Personnel Policies, Employee Benefits Review, Employee Training Programs, Incentive Programs, Fraud Detection & Elimination and General Operations Consultation.

I also offer Individual Services encompassing Individual Tax Return preparation as well as more specialized tax preparation such as Ministry/Housing Allowance Taxation.



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